摇篮曲( “ 营救孤儿”投稿)


作者/词: Gerard Traub 作曲: 王淑孟 演唱: 卢友权 演奏: 钢琴/王淑孟 其他: 编曲/王淑孟
MP3 音响文件

I sing for you a lullaby
come close your eyes so bright,
dream high of skies and wonder
find sleep inside another light.
Amidst stars and realms of splendour

beyond cares and clouds of grey,
I sing for you a lullaby
until the light of another day.

I sing for you a lullaby
find sleep inside another light.


I sing for you a lullaby
come close your eyes so bright,
dream high of skies and wonder
find sleep inside another light.
Amidst stars and realms of splendour

beyond cares and clouds of grey,
I sing for you a lullaby
until the light of another day.

I sing for you a lullaby
find sleep inside another light.