一刀划下 染上洗不掉的鲜血
一脚踏上 掉入罪业的无底洞
湛湛青天 善良不该受折磨
伸出援手 我们不能再沉默
高贵的灵魂 在风中
English Translation:
Noble Souls are gone in the wind
To those who are killed in the labor camp---
There is a big chimney in Sujatun.
The smoke is rising slowly into the sky.
Have you seen the noble souls, streaming in the wind.
The hands with the knives are trembling.
Keeping silent with their masks on.
However,their eyes still show the evil that threatened and lured them.
These incisions covered their hands with blood which can never be washed away. They have fallen into bottomless pit.
Underneath the azure sky.
Please do not torture the kindness
Underneath the azure sky
Please do not torture the kindness
Reach out your hands!
We don’t want to keep silent anymore
Reach out your hands
We can’t keep silent anymore
The noble souls are gone with the wind.
[编者按] 苏家屯─ 它现在不仅仅是个地名,它代表着在中国已经发生的和正在发生的“人类历史从未有过的一种新的邪恶形式”─活体摘除法轮功修炼者器官,焚尸后去牟利, 它代表着所有的在中国境内发生这种群体灭绝罪行的场所,苏家屯─我们可以设想:“它将是人类对犯极大邪恶罪行的终级用词。”
“同颂”合唱团呈上此合唱曲,一是为了悼唁所有在中国各地集中营中被害的法轮功学员及呼唤良知,伸出援手,二是为了告诫凶手: “罪恶至极,物极必反,极恶极报。”
苏家屯有个大烟囱 一缕白烟慢慢升空 你可看见那高贵的灵魂 随云烟飘扬在风中 握刀的双手在颤抖 口罩之下三缄其口 你的眼神却已透露 邪恶对你威逼利诱 一刀划下 染上洗不掉的鲜血 一脚踏上 掉入罪业的无底洞 湛湛青天 善良不该受折磨 伸出援手 我们不能再沉默 苏家屯有个大烟囱 一缕白烟慢慢升空 你可看见那高贵的灵魂 随云烟飘扬在风中 高贵的灵魂在风中 English Translation: Noble Souls are gone in the wind To those who are killed in the labor camp--- There is a big chimney in Sujatun. The smoke is rising slowly into the sky. Have you seen the noble souls, streaming in the wind. The hands with the knives are trembling. Keeping silent with their masks on. However,their eyes still show the evil that threatened and lured them. These incisions covered their hands with blood which can never be washed away. They have fallen into bottomless pit. Underneath the azure sky. Please do not torture the kindness Underneath the azure sky Please do not torture the kindness Reach out your hands! We don’t want to keep silent anymore Reach out your hands We can’t keep silent anymore The noble souls are gone with the wind.