MP3 音响文件
轮回转世几千年, 進進出出为哪般? 功名利禄不长久, 世道兴衰全在天? 生命本是天上仙, 人生成败过眼烟。 是非本是前世怨, 得法破迷上青天。
English translation:
Awakening from the Dream
Born into the world time and again, thousands of years, For what possibly would one come so many times?Fame and wealth—but wisps of smoke are these, ’Tis the heavens that govern life’s vicissitudes. Divine, above, was each life at first breath, Success and failure pass here like but fleeting clouds. Our ordeals have reasons, each just, from before, May we gain the way, and awaken from the dream— To scale the heights of the deep azure sky!