


作为法轮功学员,今天我们在这里集会主要是对阿根廷警察对阿根廷法轮功学员的行为和态度表示失望。几天前,中共高层官员罗干访问阿根廷。罗干是臭名远扬的610 办公室的头目,一个类似盖世太保,并被指称为迫害和“根除”法轮功的秘密组织。当地法轮功学员在布宜诺斯艾利斯的国会广场和平抗议时,一些中领馆雇佣的打手攻击和殴打法轮功学员,并且窃取他们的横幅和画展。在场的警察没有制止攻击者。一位警察告诉法轮功学员,警察有上级命令迫于中领馆的压力不允许干涉攻击。目前,罗干在阿根廷被以群体灭绝罪和酷刑罪起诉。








Re: Falun Dafa Practitioners Assaulted by People Deployed by the Chinese Embassy in Argentina

Honourable Ambassador:

We, as Falun Gong practitioners, gather here just want to express our disappointment for the conduct and attitude of Argentinean police to those Falun Gong practitioners in Argentina. Just several days ago, when the top member of the CCP, Luo Gan, who is known to be the head of the notorious 6-10 Office, a Gestapo-like secret organization charged with persecuting and "eradicating" Falun Gong, visited Argentina, local Falun Gong practitioners peacefully protested at Congress Square in Buenos Aires. Some Chinese nationals engaged by the Chinese embassy beat Falun Gong practitioners severely and also stole their banners and photo displays. The police were present but did nothing to stop the attackers. A Falun Gong practitioner was told by a policeman that the police had orders not to interfere with the attack due to the pressure received from the CCP to curtail peaceful protests and other activities of local Falun Gong practitioners. Currently, Luo Gan is being sued for ‘Genocide and Torture’ against Falun Gong in Argentina.

Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, is an ancient traditional practice based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. By practising Falun Gong one can cultivate or nurture one’s nature, resulting in better health and improved moral quality. Falun Gong has been promulgated world-wide and is currently practiced in over seventy countries. However, history has shown that the communist regime never allowed people to think independently and believe in anything other than communism. The Chinese communist government exerts violent and systematic persecution of Falun Gong both inside China and outside China. According to incomplete statistics, within the past six years beginning on 20th July 1999, more than 2793 Falun Gong practitioners have been verified as being tortured to death all over China. The incident happened in Argentina has vividly demonstrated that how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) extends the persecution towards Falun Gong practitioners beyond China, and doesn't let international borders stop it from trying to deny the rights of Falun Gong practitioners anywhere.

Argentina is a democratic country, and also is a country which is proud to defend human rights. However it is totally incomprehensible that the assault towards a peaceful group of Falun Gong practitioners happened in Argentinean territory with impunity. Also, the police in Argentina bended its knee to Chinese communism party and abandoned the country’s principle allured by political or business interest offered by Chinese communist party. This incident violates the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners, and also breaks its nation's own laws.

However, the Chinese communist government can’t sustain its persecution towards Falun Gong; it can’t sustain its tyranny any more. Gradually, the international community and ordinary people have realized the evil nature of Chinese communist party. More than 6 million brave men’s withdrawal from CCP inside China has strongly weakened the terror made by the CCP through over 50 years’ violence and slaughter.

Under this circumstance, those persons, who still directly or indirectly help Chinese communist party to persecute Falun Gong, will be faced with severe punishment from justice and law no matter who they are and where they are. There are nearly 30 high-level CCP official members who take part in persecuting Falun Gong in mainland China have been brought to justice in various countries outside China, just like Luo Gan is being sued for ‘Genocide and Torture’ against Falun Gong in Argentina.

At the same time, we also wish Argentinean government can continually insist on their position to respect human rights, and don’t succumb to the despotic power of CCP. CCP is soon going to disintegrate, be sure not to be a compliance with the CCP and choose a bright future for your own country.

Falun Dafa Association Ireland
21st December 2005
