坐下来,老师就对我说:“你儿子是个很有写作天份的孩子。”她说,一般来说,二年级的孩子还不太懂得如何运用Writer's notebook。但是,他却运用得非常自如。经常自己思想里有一点儿小火花,他就会在Writer's notebook里写下来,然后编成故事。每一次写作,别的孩子顶多写一两页纸,而他,一写就能写七八张纸。那一次,老师就给我看了他的一些诗,其中就有“October”这一首。当时令我眼前一亮的词就是那两句"Tossing sunshine streaming through"和"Explosions of colors everywhere"。我觉得这两句话一下子就抓住了十月的特征。
老师当时还提到一件事。她说你儿子似乎读了很多书,所以上课很爱发言。经常老师才开始讲一个题目,他就滔滔不绝的给他同桌的小朋友们讲起课来了。老师说:“我有时候不得不打断他,对他说,hey, I am the one who has a degree.”老师说她并不想discourage他,因为他说的不是废话,他只是在分享他的知识。
儿子能写我很早就注意到了。因为,他每一周给我的信都是写五六张纸的。经常写到最后他都会说:"Oops, I am running out of time. I have to run now. Talk to you later.“似乎还有写不完的话似的。读他的信、听他描述在学校里的点点滴滴,我觉得很享受。我总会很欢喜的写回信给他。有时候他读了回信,还会评论我哪里写得不好。
儿子喜欢读书,有一段时间很着迷天文地理书,几乎借遍了图书馆的天文地理书来读。从他的诗中也可以看得出来(比如"The Universe")。他可以给你坐在那里讲天文讲很久,或者,有时候我开车时,他一个人坐在后面也会叽叽呱呱的说星星、说月亮、说地球等等。他对世界上的各个国家的地理位置的了解比我还多。"The Universe"这首诗打动我的一句话是他说太阳系“With no bottom or no ground".我觉得这很有想象力,这也当然是基于他对天文的了解。
儿子的诗大致分两类,一类是比较天真的,符合他这个年龄的诗,如"All About Me", "James", "October", "My Crazy Pencil", "Lunch", "Dog", "The Discontagiolator"等等;一类是不太符合他年龄的,如"Music Is A Beautiful Language"。前一类诗通常都比较短,诗也不是句句都好,但是很灵动,突然跳出来的一两个词就让整首诗熠熠生辉。充满了孩子的稚气与灵气。几乎每首诗我都能找到一两个这样的词或一两句这样的话。而Discontagiolator这个词干脆就是他自己创造的。他用词相当精确,虽只寥寥数笔,里面的人物或主题却是呼之欲出。
"Music Is A Beautiful Language"写的是他熟悉和热爱的音乐。但是里面的思想却超越了他的年龄。他说音乐是divinely wonderful,是上帝创造的。他说柴可夫斯基的音乐是悲剧性的。他没有听过几首或拉过几首柴可夫斯基的音乐,但是,他却对我很认真的说:“妈妈,我喜欢柴可夫斯基的音乐。”听他这样说的时候,我正在厨房做饭。他在一边给我拉老柴的“胡桃夹子”。看着他,我有些迷惑,不知道他是怎么得来的知识。但是我懂得他。因为我明白,世上的很多事其实不是知识,而是心的感知。有些东西是可以穿越时间和空间的。
虽然,老师说儿子会是一位作家。儿子自己也很喜欢写。有时候夜深了,或者是有时候正在玩什么,他会突然对我说:“妈妈,我又想写了。我去写一会。”然后就坐在计算机前写。但儿子自己却说,将来他想拥有一家象Sam Ash那样的店,那样子,他就能玩所有的乐器了。有时候,他也自己作曲。他说,莫扎特五岁的时候就写曲子了。所以他写也是理所当然的。
All About Me
I am as hyper as a scaly bright dragon
I am thin like a long skinny toothpick
I am as musical as a singing songbird
I am flexible like a strand of hair
I am as smart as a 90-year-old monkey
I am as short as a compsognathus
Just so good
At violin
Mathematical as a computer
Eagles are my favorite bird and I love
Over there the leaves are rustling
Crickets chirping everywhere
Tossing sunshine streaming through
Orange Halloween is coming
Beautiful sunlight in the trees
Explosions of colors everywhere
Rosy red leaves in the trees
The Universe
The solar system is whirling around
With no bottom or no ground
Nebulas and galaxies
That spin and turn and shine with glee
Shooting stars are faster than light
People watch them shivering with fright
Stars are formed out of gases
Which come in different shapes and masses
My Crazy Pencil
Part 1
I have an extremely weird pencil
Which forked me like a utensil
It drew all over my face
And it started a very fast chase
And gave me a cut with a stencil
Part 2
On my way home from school
He floated like a ghoul
My pencil laughed and cackled
And by him I got tackled
I hid in my closet like a fool!
Part 3
I hate my crazy pencil
He’s really strict and mean
He’s so mean that he hurt me once with a giant laser machine
Part 4
Crazy, cuckoo
Laughs and cackles
As mean as owls
The Discontagiolator
The discontagiolator is a very scary ride
And on this ride it’s so fast that many people have died
And if I scared you a lot, I’m sorry that I did
It’s just that it is true and I ‘m a very scary kid
And after that they plunge you down a very scary ramp
And after that you’ll feel that your pants are very slightly damp
I have ridden each and every sluggish imitator
So be proud of yourself if you’ve survived the Discontagiolator
Goes the microphone
The lunch lady yells at us and our ears fall off
Goes the milk
The milk falls off the tray
Clikety clack
Goes the shoes outside
Recess just let out
Goes me
As I finish my lunch
Goes the whistle
Jumpy James jabbed a jackal in Japan
Music is a Beautiful Language
Music is an intricate word
Usually it’s very nice to be heard
Songs that make you happy and sad
It’s always a very popular fad
Cellos, Violins, Pianos, Guitars
In this world there are so many different kinds of beautiful music
So many different instruments like trumpets and acoustics
An intricate language that is divinely wonderful
Brewing up some new and wonderful kinds of music
Each and every song is a wonderful piece of music
And each and every serenade’s a beautiful piece of magic
Unforgettable sounds in my head
Tchaikovsky was a musician who wrote songs that were tragic
In each and every minuet you play emotionally
Forte is a dynamic that you play ferociously
Unlike other instruments the gong makes a loud big “Dong”
Like cymbals make the sound of the big and ferocious gong
Learning this beautiful language is not very hard
And I keep all my instruments with safe and precious guard
Never ever have I played the giant double Bass
Gosh! It’s so big that it has more than even a Cello’s mass
United notes make a divine and wonderful nice sound
And some of the minuets are scary like a hound
God is the person who made this wonderful nice music
Each of us should give him a clap for inventing this nice language!
Friendly creatures
Runs and plays
Furry cuddly giant hairballs
Weary winds blow all around
In winter many insects die
Nippy fresh air flowing around
Time to celebrate Christmas joys
Everyday there’s another inch of snow
Roaring blowing winds outside
Hallows Eve
Hallows Eve is coming soon
Adding scary to the night
Leaving September into October
Last day of October is Hallows Eve
Over the mountains a shining light
Will find its way out of the night
Sewing costumes hand by hand
Every costume is very grand
Very scary Halloween
Ending October into November
Is one of the pilgrims here
Living in a cabin long ago
Giving thanks in the first Thanksgiving
Resting in the harsh winter snow
It’s growing colder in the snow
Many plants are dying in the harsh cold wind
Squanto leads them into the light and out of the snow