






Morgellons Disease Is SiliconeNanotechnology! - It Is NOT A Parasite - Research How Polymers Are Being UsedFor “Chemtrails”

Sun, 12/27/2009 - 20:30 — Arthur Cristian

The Truth About Morgellons (Not A Disease - But It's Man-Made!)

We are ALL getting infected b/c it is being sprayed on us in “chemtrails”.The silicone nanotechnology is being sprayed on deli meats with viruses. Inaddition it has been found in a very popular bubble bath. Also, nanotechnologyis being found in sodas! We are being subjected to this poison from all forms..air, water, food and household products.

Who is doing this and why?

Research the “Illuminati” and find out their depopulation agenda to remove90% of the worlds population.

EVERYONE has been exposed.

Just you and I have the symptoms. And our bodies are doing what they are supposedto be doing by pushing the invader outside of the body.

To prove that this is silicone nanotechnology do the following:

1. get “pedifix” tea-tree oil soap and rub it into the lesion for 15seconds.

2. Get “endure 300〃 ethyl alcohol gel and rub this ON TOP ofthe tea tree oil on the lesion.
2、取“忍耐 300”牌乙基醇(普通酒精)凝胶并把这个擦到损伤处的茶树油的顶上。

3. Watch the silicone ooze out of your skin. Works best if your pores areopen from taking a bath. You will be shocked at how much plastic comes out ofyour skin.

Now research how polymers are being used for “chemtrails” and cloudseeding.

Now do we connect the dots?

Spraying this plastic polymer material in the sky… we breath it in allday.. and then our bodies try to push it out of our systems.. and we getlesions.

Now these are not just plain plasticpolymers.. these are man-made biowarfare agents filled with plastic nanospheres and carbon nano-tubes.

Self-replicating. Highly electric.

Could this be used for mind-control orforced chipping of the population?

Also, man-made viruses are also addedto the mixture. Can you say..BIOWARFARE!

compliments of our govt. If you don’tthink our govt is capable of poisoning and murdering

its own people then you haven’t done yourresearch! Poor 9/11 victims, Oklahomabombing! Connect the dots.. same people.. just continuing their assault onAmericans.

Do your research.. ”the Illuminati”control the world and want most of us dead. If Americans don’t stop suckingtheir thumbs and put down the remote control.. the Illuminati may succeed ingetting rid of all the dumbed down sheeple in the world.

Contact the toxicologist in Los Angeles Californiawho specializes in nanotechnology. She takes phone calls from long distancepatients. She can help you. Buy her far infrared sauna .. and rainbow.. it'sthe only thing that helps. You have to use oxygen therapy and far infrared. Thegovt has silenced her from speaking out. The tried to kill her with poisons. Ifshe is not on the right track why try to murder her. Anyway, the people whowere tested had absolutely no parasites in their samples.. The little thingsthat look like worms and dots are nanotechnology. The itching and bitingfeeling that people are getting is the electricity coming from thenanotechnology. The little skinny worm looking things is a carbon nanotube..the black dots is a carbon nanosphere.
联系加州洛杉矶专门研究纳 米技术的毒理学家。她接听远端病人的电话。她能够帮助你。购买她的远红外线蒸气浴室......和彩虹......它是唯一有帮助的东西。你必须用氧气疗 法和远红外线。政府曾不许她发表言论。它们企图用毒药杀了她。如果她不是正确的为什么要企图谋杀她。无论如何,被试验的人们在其样品当中绝对没有寄生 虫......看起来像是虫子的小东西和点是纳米技术。人们正在产生的痒和刺痛的感觉是来自于纳米技术的电流造成的。貌似瘦小的虫子的东西是一种碳纳米 管......黑点是一种碳纳米球。

There is really only a couple of waysto get this out.. parasite meds will not do a thing.

This is not a bug, this is an assaulton the entire human population.. Us lucky people are the first to feel theeffects of biowarfare, compliments of our own govt.

Research how the govt is using polymerto form clouds in the sky.. as in "chemtrails". We are all exposed..Everyone! Just some people have more exposure or their bodies are noteliminating it like others. I heard that it can be racially targeted.Especially towards people with a Spanish background. I have family from Spainwho have a bad case of this.


Veronica H sent this message to Arthur& Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 30th December 2009

In 2006, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger,world renowned toxicologist published a paper through the National Registry ofEnvironmental Professionals (NREP) titled THE STANINGER REPORT (www.TheStaningerreport.com- Posted here 22nd November 2007 http://loveforlife.com.au/node/2365 - Researchand Videos: The Staninger Report by Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D - MORGELLONS: ANANO-911 FOREIGN INVADER) in which she explained that Morgellons Disease iscaused by exposure to advanced nano materials that were being sprayed on thegeneral population by aerial spraying (chemtrails).

2009 年12月30日维罗尼卡把这个消息发给亚当和菲奥娜克利斯蒂安“对生活的爱”网站:2006年,希尔德伽德斯丹宁格博士——世界著名的毒理学家通过“国家 环境专业人士注册机构(NREP)”发表了一篇题为《斯丹宁格报告》的论文(www.TheStaningerreport.com,2007年11月 22日在本站发布,http://loveforlife.com.au/node/2365 —— 研究和视频:希尔德伽德


Dr. Staninger has the lab data analysisto prove it.

Since then, she has been treatingvictims of this horror with a combination of natural therapeutics andFar-Infrared Therapy, with much success.

Anyone who publishes news on thissubject needs to include her work. She is truly a genius and light years aheadof everyone regarding this subject.

100% PROOF U.S.A. Has Tested Using RAINTo Spread Influenza Virus ON AMERICAN CITIZENS! - 9 Minutes 38 Seconds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq2_OxkvSOg- It has come to my attention that this VIDEO has been blocked in some Countryand there no Explanation as to why ??? .Please get this out as someone idsREALLY HIDING SOMETHING. Just think how many advances they have made with thistechnology with 15 more years of R&D. Credit for this upload goes to: http://www.youtube.com/user/1bigstink07and http://www.youtube.com/user/seattle4truth - This video gives testimony fromPOLICE OFFICERS even that a small town in Washington state was used as testinggrounds for the military's use of RAIN as a way to vector viruses for apopulation.

http://imageevent.com/firesat/strangedaysstrangeskies?z=3&c=4&n=1&m=-1&w...- http://www.detailshere.com/chemtrails.htm - http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/media.shtml- Benjiman H Latrobe - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_H._Latrobe -Thanks for watching. Peace to all................... stay tuned for more updatesoon


9分钟38秒 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mq2_OxkvSOg

我 曾注意到这一视频曾在一些国家被阻挡而没有解释为什么???当有人阻断与攻击真正隐藏的某件事时请把这个传递出去。只是想想以15年以上的研究和开发它们 就这一技术曾取得了多少进展!这一上传归功于http://www.youtube.com/user/1bigstink07和http: //www.youtube.com/user/seattle4truth

http://imageevent.com/firesat/strangedaysstrangeskies?z=3&c=4&n=1&m=-1&w...- http://www.detailshere.com/chemtrails.htm - http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/media.shtml

本杰明 拉特罗布  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_H._Latrobe

中文文章  转载自 : http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/blog_main.asp?BlogID=2125098
